All of our adult classes WELCOME newcomers and we encourage you to visit
the different classes to see where you might feel the most comfortable.
Sunday School starts at 10:45 following Worship Service.
Old Wing - Classrooms are to the right as you face the front of the Sanctuary
Adult Bible Class - Helen Cashell, Nathan Putney & Anne Robinson -
currently studying "Life-changing Encounters with Jesus" by Faith Connections with Illustrated Bible Life
Meets in the third room on the right upstairs in the Old Wing of original building.
New Wing - Classrooms are to the left as you face the front of the Sanctuary
Asbury Class - Wendy Boswell, Terrie Conrad & Blair Smith -
currently studying the book of James with Francis Chan
Meets upstairs in room 203, directly across from the elevator. The Asbury Class has one of the longest tenures at Memorial. Over the years the members have changed, but their love of learning about the Bible remains. The lessons are generally on a book from the Old and New Testament, a particular subject matter or something seasonal depending on the time of the year that occurs. The class consists of both married couples and single persons with a diversity of ages and backgrounds. This provides a broad discussion perspective on the subject matter.
Genesis Class - Mitch Eggleston -
currently studying "What Happens Next" by Max Lucado
Meet upstairs in room 204 (exit the elevator and turn right, they are the first classroom on the right). This class ranges in age from 40 to 80, and there are couples and singles attending.
Lost 'n Found Class - Marie Milton -
currently studying "None Like Him" by Jen Wilkin
The Lost 'n Found class meets upstairs in room 205. This class is considered to be the Young Adult Class 30 somethings