Sunday Worship - 9:30am
Sunday School - 10:45am
403 Court St Appomattox, VA 24522
Welcome to our church, we are so glad you decided to join us.
When you arrive we have parking in front and in the rear of the church. There are two entrances, one in the front on Court St. and one in the rear, Legacy Hall. If you do require assistance or don't want to use the stairs, Legacy Hall's entrance has an elevator. You will be greeted by a member of the church who will be there to welcome you, give you a bulletin and answer any questions you may have at that time. Once in the Sanctuary you can find a seat. You will see most of the members will be chatting and catching up. Feel free to join in or just people watch. We do have attendance books that you can fill out your information and you can request for someone to reach out. The service will start at 9:30am and generally runs just over an hour. We have Sunday school that starts at 10:45 and there is a list in the bulletin or you can look up the information under Sunday school. We have classes for kids, teens, young adults and adults.
For families with small children we do offer a nursery for infants to 3 years old. Plus we have Children's Church for 3yr old to 5th grade. The pastor will dismiss them after the Apostles' Creed. You can pick them up after service or they can stay for Sunday school if you decide to attend as well.
We look forward to meeting with you and hope you find our church family as welcoming and loving as we all do.
Every other Monday at 7pm we have a 30 minute Prayer time. It is a chance to pray together. We believe strongly in the power of prayer and encourage people to attend.
The second Saturday at 9:30am we offer Coffee and Conversation (with Pastries). There is a new topic each month. It is a time to fellowship and have open discussions on the topic at hand.
Once a month our seniors gather for breakfast at a local restaurant in town. They also have picnics and outings through out the year. It is a great opportunity for seniors to get out and enjoy some great time together.